Multiple New Drug Charges for man Arrested last Month
Franklin – Authorities in Venango County announced new charges against a Franklin man named John Soltesz after his arrest in February. Soltesz was found passed out and surrounded by bags filled with a suspicious substance in a woman’s car by the Pennsylvania State Police on February 22nd. Soltesz, who had active warrants for his arrest, initially gave police a false identity, but his real identity was discovered while he was being processed and he was jailed on his warrants. After identifying the substance in the bags as fentanyl Soltesz has also been charged with five counts of felony possession, and another felony for identity theft.
State Government Transparency
Harrisburg – State Senator Lindsey Williams of Allegheny County has introduced legislation to make it far, far easier for Pennsylvania residents to find out how elected officials are using their expenses. Williams’s bill which has been presented to the State Senate would require the expense accounts of all PA State Senators and Representatives to be available online and accessible by a simple web search. It’s identical to a bill she submitted last year.