Man Killed in ATV Rollover
Cambridge Springs – In Crawford County authorities say a 52-year-old Union City man was killed when the side-by-side ATV he was riding in rolled over on Saturday.  According to first responders, the deceased was a passenger in the ATV as it was being driven by someone else and hit a deep rut on a steep hill, the driver lost control and the side-by-side rolled down the hill. At press time an investigation is still being conducted.

NWIRC Grants
Erie – The Northwest PA Industrial Resource Center (NWIRC) was the recipient of a $200,000 grant from the Department of Community and Economic Development. The money will be used for the nonprofit’s Project Manufacturing Talent Stream program. The program brings students and future job seekers to different manufacturers to explore the industry, build curiosity, and learn about career opportunities. NWIRC is a not-for-profit and the program serves Erie, Crawford, Mercer, Clarion, Venango, Warren, and Forest Counties.

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