Man Injured by Crashing into School Bus
Waterford – In Erie County, authorities recently revealed the details of a crash involving a school bus in LeBouef Township that led to the hospitalization of one driver last month. 38-year-old Matthew Eastman of Waterford was taken to UPMC Hamot for what first responders suspected was serious injuries when his Toyota Sienna collided with the back of a school bus that was stopping to pick up students. Crash scene investigators say Eastman was driving at excessive speed before the crash; firefighters had to cut him from his vehicle before he could be transported. None of the four students aboard the bus were injured.

Fallen State Trooper/NWPA Local Honored by Pennsylvania
Mifflintown – On Monday, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania honored fallen State Trooper Jacques Rougeau Jr. by renaming a traffic interchange where he used to patrol in Juniata County in his honor. Jacques was raised in Erie County and grew up in the town of Corry. He was killed by a gunman who ambushed him on June 17th of last year; he is the 104th State Trooper who gave his life while on duty. Jacques Rougeau Jr. Memorial Interchange crosses US Routes 322 and 22 near Mifflintown Pennsylvania.

Some Short Announcements
Meadville – Meadville Medical Center will be closing its Alden Street Clinic on Friday. The March 29th closure of the facility is so that electricians can perform an upgrade of the electrical systems. 

Centerville – Reverend Rudolph Babcock is inviting anyone who wishes to attend communion on Easter Sunday to join the congregation at Community Bible Church, located on Erie Street in Centerville at 11 a.m. for open communion. All who come will be welcomed.

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