One Dead in Crawford County Crash
Cambridge Springs – A 36-year-old man was killed when he was thrown from his vehicle in Crawford County Sunday morning. Investigators from the Pennsylvania State Police say Ryan Hall of Meadville was not wearing a seatbelt and was exceeding the speed limit when he collided with a guardrail in Cambridge Township at about 8:15 a.m. on Sunday. According to the police, Mr. Hall was killed as the SUV rolled along State Route 6 & 19 and came to a stop on its roof nearly 300 feet from the point of impact. Mr. Hall was found around halfway between the point of impact and the final resting place of his vehicle.

Basketbrawl Leads to Early Game Closure
Meadville – The PIAA has not placed Meadville on the second round playoff bracket after a fight happened at Friday night’s game against Uniontown. With barely more than three minutes left to play on Friday night, a scuffle broke out between parents behind the Bulldog’s bench and spilled out into the court, ultimately causing the game to conclude before time elapsed. PIAA Director Bob Lombardi stated over the weekend that Meadville is considered the game’s winner, but the league is reviewing footage from the fight and may announce player suspensions this morning. Under ordinary circumstances, Meadville would be scheduled to play against Hershey in the 2nd round, but at press time, the bracket remains empty where Meadville would be positioned, which may indicate the team is potentially disqualified.
The fight was apparently instigated by a father from Uniontown who had made his way over to the home side of the court at The House of Thrills in Meadville High School, but several people soon became involved before police could get the situation under control, multiple players from both teams were seen squaring off on the court and one player from Meadville was pushed before the coaches exiled the players to the locker rooms. Meadville had established an early double-digit lead in the first half of the game, but Uniontown had decreased the difference to eight points, 55-47, by the 4th quarter before the fight broke out. A series of technical fouls committed on the court seemed to be the incident that triggered the event.
On Saturday at Farrel High School, officials removed the entire audience from a Steelerettes playoff game against St. Joseph. Spectators had begun shouting obscenities at players and officials after Farrel’s starting forward, Ja’Niya Daniels, was ejected from the game in the 3rd quarter. The gymnasium was cleared during the 4th quarter, and the final 4:00 of play took place with only the coaches and referees in attendance. Farrel eventually prevailed by a mere three points, 56-53.

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