News Live 365: November 30th, 2023

Oil City’s Christmas Past celebration begins tomorrow, the administrator of Lawrence County ARC was criminally charged for the death of a patient, and more stories.

News Live 365: November 28th, 2023

A man was knocked unconscious when he hit a deer with an SUV, School Closings and Delays issued this morning, PSP releases holiday crash information.

News Live 365

Two teens were severely injured after a shooting in Sharon and a major snow storm is expected to cause closings and delays around NWPA.

News Live 365: November 20th, 2023

Two boys were arrested after a break-in at Neason Hill Elementary, A man jumped into the trunk of his car to catch a thief, and more stories.

News Live 365: November 17th, 2023

The identity of a body discovered near I-90 leaves more questions than answers, a crash killed an Ohio woman near Spartansburg, and a child safety seat check at Meadville Fire Department.

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